ABC Half Gallon Plastic

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WT ABC - Half Gallon Large.jpg

ABC Half Gallon Plastic


ABC, liquid concentrate microorganism inoculant! Sixty-four ounces in glass or plastic.

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ABC is a lactic acid culture with yeasts and phototrophic microorganisms. Think of it as a probiotic for your soil. A healthy soil results in healthy plants. It's not a fertilizer because real soil is clay, sand and/or silt and is already fertile. Microorganisms metabolize those mineral forms and convert them to plant usable forms, often by attaching carbon chains - that's what makes life organic; Carbon. It's also not a fungicide or pesticide. It's a syntropic (and syntrophic) climax culture fermented based on successive consortium technology. That's a fancy way of saying all the microorganisms in the culture entrain each others' processes through biological checks and balances.